I had many such experiences in my 40's and asked myself: what do you think is going on? Is this person reading my subconscious? Are they really tapping into "higher intelligence" and "heavenly archives" and reading my records -- about my personal past and my personal future?
Are the dead people "coming through" really speaking through this person? It seems the messages are very personal. Many skeptics will say, "Oh, good guess -- your deceased mother really loves you." But they feel like the voice of that departed one.
My early experiences with this were so dramatic, I called it "therapy without talking." After hearing the "inside story" about relationships, I reflected: "Yes, that could be happening." The information calmed me down. Made me focus on positive things that MIGHT happen. REALLY RE-ALIGNED my attitude. Made me work harder for goals that I was told were indeed possible. Made me patient about frustrating people around me. That's therapeutic. And VERY DRAMATIC, I'm telling you!
I told my brother, before a reading, "Ask whatever you would ask God."
Kim O'Neill is not the only source, but her reading for me recently thoroughly "shook my tree." She does readings by telephone from Texas. http://kimoneillpsychic.com/
If you are near Fairfax and Vienna, VA, and like the idea of past lives, try Maureen Malloy-Clifford: http://www.past-life-therapy.com